
Olá. Somos os alunos de Inglês da EB1 de Ponte Pedrinha. Com a colaboração e supervisão da nossa professora de Inglês, deixaremos neste espaço um pouco do muito que fazemos. Será um espaço para que possam acompanhar em casa o que fazemos na escola. Podem deixar sugestões e/ou opiniões sobre os nossos trabalhos.
Thank you!:)

sexta-feira, 26 de novembro de 2010

In the beginning...

Greetings and Different Parts of the Day.
Hello, good morning (2x)
How are you? (2x)
I'm fine, thank you. (2x)

Autumn Colours

SONG                                                                                 Autumn leaves are falling down, falling down, falling down      Autumn leaves are falling down                                                          Yellow                       Red                               Orange                                    and Brown,                      Yellow                         Red                                               Orange                                                                and Brown.

1, 2 tie your shoe.
3, 4 close the door.
5,6 count the sticks.
7,8 don't be late.
9,10 do it again!

                                                                     Parts of the body
One nose
one mouth
one head
one neck
Keep moving (2x)
Two eyes
two ears
two arms
two legs
keep moving (2x)
five fingers
five toes
ten fingers
ten toes
keep moving (2x)
We move our body like this. Yeahhhh



.............................. and so much more. 

2 comentários:

  1. adorei o blog Beatriz Manso

  2. teacher and ivo liked coming to sit my love also liked my brother liked the pine green of hands
